Friday, February 15, 2008

A Late Valentine's Post

The Sunnyside Kids did a coloring sheet and on the back I wrote their responses to two questions: 1) Why do you love Daddy? 2) Why do you love Mommy?
Here are Marina's too cute responses

Why do you love Daddy?

"Because he fights with us." (She means he 'wrestles' with them)
"Because he goes to work."
"Because he comes back home."

Excellent reasons, baby girl! Especially the last two. They're tops on my list, as well. I held my breath for the next one. But she came through for me. She really does love me.

Why do you love Mommy?

"Because you cook us dinner."
"Because you take care of babies."
"Because you take me outside."


Tami said...

Good girl! :) Those kind of projects are so precious. Alek did one last year for Mother's Day. The first half talked about all the stuff I buy him (which we don't buy him much), but the last two lines saved him...'because you tuck me in at night and because you love me.'
I cried.

junglemama said...

What wonderful answers! You should be proud!