Thursday, September 14, 2006

Breasts and Thumbs

Mastitis (spelling??!!) sucks--no pun intended. Somehow I managed to nurse three babies and never get it, but now....OUCH! I sit here smelling the noxious aroma of cooked cabbage rising from my bosom. But I'm very thankful for this cabbage, mind you. My DH ran out and got me some after dinner. And I'm glad that I pulled this home remedy from the dark recesses of my memory.

nursing girlfriend: "I had terrible mastitis for the first three weeks. The lactation consultant said to wear cabbage leaves in my bra."

me: /nonchalantly/"Oh really?...How interesting. I've never had that problem myself...."

But in other news...M does not have a dying tooth (which we were very afraid of). She has been to see the dentist and says that she has no signs of bottle rot and the tooth that was showing signs of darkening is only bruised. I didn't know teeth could bruise, did you? That is the good news. The bad news is that she is at a "stage 2" (whatever that means) in jaw damage from sucking her thumb. Thumb sucking is the only one of her self-soothing behaviors that we have not heretofore attempted to weed out. We took the headbanging, we took the rocking, but the thumb...well, she just looked so darn cute with her blanket all nuzzled up to her chin and that tiny little thumb placed gingerly in her mouth. But in the face of certain enormous orthodonistry bills cuteness has to go. Yesterday, we put some socks on her hands at nap (she only sucks to get to sleep). We smiled and said, "Doctor says, 'No more thumb sucking.'" She giggled at the socks on her hands, politely waited until we had left the room and then stripped the socks. Last night, she watched as we taped the socks on her hands, with the clear expression of "these people have lost their minds." Again I said, with a little more firmness, "Doctor says, 'No more thumb sucking.'" I want her to know that of all the terrible changes we've put her through this past year and a half, this one is not my idea! About ten minutes later we heard her whimper--she could not get them off. She cried for about five minutes, softly. I won't tell you how tempted I was to take off those socks! Then she went to sleep. Today's nap a little whimpering, then sleep. My baby is growing up. Sigh.


Suz said...

So you cook the cabbage before putting it on your bosoms (that's our word around here)? Ick.

I was picturing just cold stiff cabbage leaves which would be gross in and of itself, but cooked mushy ones. ICK!

Poor M. D still sucks her thumb at sleepy time, the dentist hasn't made the mandate yet. Of course she doesn't at school or when we're out and about, but still at sleep time. On Tuesdays when she goes to computer lab she asks for a band-aid on her thumb because it automatically goes in when she's on the computer :o) Can't you just see her a 25 year old computer programmer sitting in her little corporate office with her thumb in her mouth!

jessy said...

no, you put them on raw, but your breast is infected, right? So the heat,or fever, from your breast cooks the cabbage--on your breast. Pretty gross!