Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Party in the Pink

Well, I's fourth birthday was a "pinktacular" success. My kids have a knack for requesting the impossible party theme, but it is always fun seeing what I can dig up. My son got hooked on the panther while watching Boomerang at Nana's house. He wanted a "pink pamfer party." I found a discontinued Wilt*n pan on ebay. Quite by chance came upon some pink panther mylar balloons. The pink panther stand up is curtsey of an overhead projector and acrylic paints. We had the party at the family lake house, and the kids were just coming out of the water when I made them pose for this picture. I is the one with the life jacket. He's one of the cutest kids ever. Him and the two little girls standing behind and beside him. The other two cutest kids in the world missed this photo op. But I think you will agree that my nieces and nephews are a pretty fine looking crew, too.


Suz said...

Is that M just to the right of I!?? If so she has grrroooowwwwnnn!

Suz said...

Hey Jess, I've tagged you for a littel MeMe. You can check my blog to see what it's all about, if you want to play. If not, that's ok too.

jessy said...

That is her, all right. Is it possible for a child to grow TOO much, TOO fast?!! She is going to be tall, thin and all muscle. That is the only tip off that she is adopted. Because you know we be a bunch of short, round, flabby people.