Sunday, September 10, 2006


I've been tagged by suz, so here we go:

Four jobs I've had in my life:
1. Secretary
2. Desk clerk/night auditor for a hotel
3. Missionary to central California
4. Public school teacher

Four movies I've watched over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice (A&E version with Colin Firth...mmm, mmm)
2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
3. Return To Me
4. Steel Magnolias

Four tv shows I love to watch:
*I don't have a television that picks up channels. My husband and I just decided when we got married that it was an addiction that we'd rather forgo. But when I'm at my mom's house I will request:
1. Law and Order reruns
2. Adoption Story
3. That show about FBI cold cases (can't remember exactly what the name is)
4. Sell This House

Four places I've been on Vacation:
1. Disney World! (March 2006-what a blast!)
2. San Antonio
3. Colorado/New Mexico
4. Italy
* No, Suz, adoption trips to Russia do not count, because there is nothing remotely relaxing about them!

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Hot chocolate and chocolate milk (any time, any season)
2. Wheat Thins (original)
3. Italian cream Cake
4. Nachitoches Meat Pie

Four places I'd rather be now:
1. a crop
2. a salon
3. a date
4. a cruise

Four people who will respond:
Sorry, suz, but you're my only pal in blog-land. DH has a blog, but it is purely academic. Don't think your fun game would fit between, "High Thresholds for Church Membership" and "Martin Luther's Heidelberg Disputation of 1518"

1 comment:

Suz said...

Yay, I'm glad you did your Meme!

Thought you might be interested in checking out this blog ...

For some more bloggy friends of course!