Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Like Sands Through the Hourglass...

I was going to post my inner thoughts regarding the minutiae of my day. I was happily composing it in my mind for the better part of the morning. In the education world, they call it a "metacognitive exercise." I came to the decision that you would call it boring. I began to bore myself; I began to depress myself. I gave it up. Suffice to say I do many, many, many tasks in an average day, and none of them seem to amount to anything. But, most of you reading this blog are housewives/stay-at-home moms/domestic engineers (you choose your title), so you know what I'm talking about, right? I'm glad I have discovered this creative vent of blogging. I consider myself a pretty creative person, and I don't mind telling you that the monotony of this job occasionally gets to me. Sometimes you just need to step back from the dishwasher and try to remember why you do what you do. Also, who you were before you did what you do.
DH must have seen it on my face this morning as he breezed out on his way to seminary. I love that man. How does he know what I'm thinking? Was it M, wandering around the living room in a t-shirt, no panties and a bucket on her head, that tipped him off? His parting words? "Remember, it's the most important job in the world!" O.K., O.K., I know that is pretty easy for a man to say as he exits the room to go participate in the world. I know him to be sincere, though, so it helps. Coincidentally my aunt sent me a funny e-mail today regarding this same topic, thanks Aunt P!
We got a new table last night. It's beautiful. I'd post a picture, but some of my very messy kitchen might show up. It is huge and should be the last one we have to buy.
I haven't given you a WW update. At my meeting on Wednesday, I had lost 7 pounds total. My clothes are all starting to fit much better, and even have a couple pairs of pants that I can pull down without unbuttoning and unzipping. I don't feel like I'm losing much this week, but the scales will tell. I've made up my mind not to let a bad week or two discourage me. I just hop online and read about those women who have to lose 50, 60, 70+ pounds and it makes my 15 seem really doable.
I know you will come back and catch up on your blog reading Suz, so I want you to know that I've been thinking and praying for ya'll a lot these past two days. I'm sending a great big hug out to you right now.
This blogpals think is pretty cool! I got a card and M got a little gift today. She thought that was the best--something just for her that she didn't have to share. A big thank you going out to my blog pal.
Can someone please explain to me why the word "blog" is not accepted as an English word in blogger's spell check dictionary? There is no logic in this world I tell you.


CDJ said...

Logic in the world.....my, the countless hours you and I could spend discussing our "findings" that disprove such a concept. Thankful to have moved right along.

You're a great Mom and one of the most well-articulated folks I know.

6blessings said...

Thanks for the encouragement. It is the most important job. Congrats on the weight loss!! That's great!

Jennifer said...

Sometimes I think I am one hysterical laugh/cry away from the funny farm...and then something always comes in and reminds me that I am not alone (your post) and that I am serving a greater purpose than what I can see with my two little eyes (and wipe with my two little hands:)).

Jennifer said...
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