Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Morning at My House

Just decided to snap some pictures of my kids in their pre-dawn, pre-cognitive states. Yeah, I'm sadistic sometimes. It all started with Baby R. He woke up rip-roaring to go. If he could talk he would say, "Look mommy, look! I can hold my head up and these things just past my diaper, I don't know what they're for, but looky I can kick, kick, kick, them!! Wow......

Next to awaken was I. Seen here, he is consuming his daily ration of coffee milk. Once the caffeine reaches his brain--one to two minutes after intake, he'll be fully loaded, full speed until bedtime.

Then comes A. Don't hate her because she's beautiful. This is what she looks like in the morning. The only other time she has seen Mom with a camera this early is Christmas. "Did Santa leave me presents?"

After about five, "C'mon son, it's time to get up." K appears from beneath the coverlet. "ow, dip uns tsto whopesn..." Who knows? He does not speak English until after coffee. Do you note a trend of dependence here?

Last to awaken is our dear, sweet, morning glory, M. I think that look says it all, don't you? Notice the socks on hands. The habit of sucking her thumb is broken, but now she insists on having her hands taped up. My child thrives on ritual. But since it makes her happy, and will not cost us money--at least until we have to pay for the shrink when she's twenty and still sleeping with socks on her hands--we don the socks.

The last picture is K and M snuggling on the couch. I'm giggling in a sick sort of way the whole time. Flashing the camera in their little dilated eyes. By now, K has found his power of speech, "Mom, what are you doing??!!" Implied, "She has really lost it this time." Side note--can you believe these two did not come from the same gene pool?

Sorry these pics are all jumbled up at the top. I remind you that I do not know what I am doing with this whole blogger thing. I assure you that when I put them in my scrapbook, they will be perfectly placed.


Chaos and Grace said...

How precious. What a beautiful family! (And no - I can't believe they aren't from the same gene pool - that's amazing).

6blessings said...

What precious pictures! Morning is always a fun time. Thanks for the glimpse into your life.

Jennifer said...

Good grief...K looks practically pre-teen! We need to get together and visit that our kids can remember their old friends and meet a couple of new ones! :)

ferenge mama said...

I love these pictures! The socks-on-hands part is especially funny - amazing how much kids love routine!!

CDJ said...

I miss your kids....but I miss your ginger colored walls, too! One glimpse of your couch cushion, and I'm driving accross town again to debate spice and trim. It's comforting to know that though some of your "routine" habits have changed with subsequent children, you're keeping the coffee-milk tradition alive and well!