Thursday, October 12, 2006

Story Time

"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them." -James Baldwin

I have a few choice words in my vocabulary that I am not proud of. My children have known by some instinct that, though Mom uses these words, they will not be permitted to. At least the first two have.
We're sitting on the couch before naps reading "Franklin and Harriet." I never wants a story just read, he wants a performance. He loves to add the sound effects to my narration.

Me: "...Franklin helps his little sister zip zippers..."
Me: "....Franklin pushes Harriet on the swings...."
Me: "Franklin helps Harriet on the see saws..."
Me: "Franklin held Harriet's hand on the slide, but he didn't see the puddle of mud at the bottom...."
I: "Oh, CRAP!"

Hope that little glimpse into our day makes you laugh. I sure did. I couldn't help it. I did sober up enough to tell him that he should not use that word and that Mommy shouldn't use it either and she would try to do better. So, people who read my blog (I know you're out there) what words/phrases do you say that you would not want your kids/grandkids to? I've changed my blog settings so that you non-bloggers can comment. Just click on the little "comments" link below. You know you want to. C'mon, give me some validation, here.
Watch me find out that I'm the only potty mouth I know.


CDJ said...

yeah, today at lunch, Ashli peeled the top piece of bread away from her sandwich, and asked "what the heck is this?" It was new jelly in the midst of an erruption of sibling laughter.

Anonymous said...

crap on a stick

shut up


and more, but I am too ashamed to say....and too worried that someone might really really get the wrong idea.

jessy said...

Hey, my roomate/best friend from college used that "crap on a stick" phrase! Carla, is that you? Give me a call girl! Love, Me

Jennifer said...

I think you are right...Carla used to say that...I guess she was a bad influence on me :)


6blessings said...

I hate it when I let something slip that my kids know is not allowed. Of course, my kids think "shut up, crap, and butt" are all terrible curse words. "Shut up" is the one I probably let slip the most and kick myself everytime for saying it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica! I found your blog link on Cari's page!
Once when I was lost trying to find my friend Julie's house (kids in the backseat) I found the road right as I needed to exit the interstate and said, "Oh Crap, the road!" The kids both said, "Aunt Julie lives on "Oh Crap Road!" Hard not to laugh and blush! The rest of the day they sang, "Oh Crap Road!"