Tuesday, November 07, 2006

And So For A Time..

I must bid you all a farewell. Tensions have been building in our home, and I think my new blog habit might be partially to blame. I've been spending about an hour every evening parked here, reading blogs, and check back throughout the day looking for comments. So I think a two week hiatus is in order. I will greet my husband in the door, make sure his dinner is on the table, hang upon his every word after the meal, and make myself his love slave. At the end of two weeks, mark my words, he will be bring me flowers, he will beg to be assigned household tasks, he will sing my praises at the city gate. And he will ask, "What may I do for you, oh woman of women?" To which I will respond in my most submissive voice, "Oh, my lord, might I have an hour or even two to blog?"
Or something to that affect.


6blessings said...

We will miss you, but you are completely and utterly right in doing what you are doing. Family is always first. I struggle with this myself and have had to slow down a lot of what I do also. I love reading your blog because it helps me so much to relate to someone whose life is so very much like my own. It is truly an encouragement to me. Thanks for blessing my life.

I can't wait to hear back in a few weeks to see how things are going. Have a great time with your hubby!!

Suz said...

Oh I totally understand. I have to take time off every now and then too.

Don't slave too hard :o)

Jennifer said...

See you later, love slave.

Deb said...

You will be missed but taking care of the family is the most important.