Wednesday, November 15, 2006


O.K., Suzi caught me off my chains and tagged me for a round of "What's Inside My Purse." It is Wednesday and the master is away on Wednesday night, He,he,he! When the master is away, the love slave will blog. I would love to play, but I don't own a purse. Haven't carried one since '96. Mother of five and I don't carry a purse? It just struck me how incongruent that is. When my kids have snot, I don't say, "Oh, just a second honey, I have a tissue in my purse." Usually something more along the lines of, "That is disgusting, go find a tissue." When my kids spill something down the front of their shirts, I don't whip out a Shout wipe, I just think, "Man, I hope that comes out." Sa La Vi.
This is what is in my wallet:
1. four pennies (sadly the only money in my wallet)
2. debit card
3. Wal*Mart gift card (for purchasing gasoline at a 3 cent discount)
4. An appointment card for the baby's pediatrician for the seventh. Which we missed! I should have played this game earlier.
5. Weight Watchers Membership Book. Recording a 13 pound loss, ladies, yeah me!
6. Insurance cards
7. Social Security Cards for me and all five kiddos. You're not supposed to carry these on your person, I know. Don't tell my mother.
8. Marble slab punch card. It hasn't been seeing much action lately on account of #5.
9. Pictures of kids and nieces. Looking at them they are all really outdated. I don't even know why I have them. I never show them to anybody and I never look at them myself.
10 Driver's License
11. J.C. Penney charge card. It has been seeing way too much action.
12. five library cards
13. Goodwill punch card. Three more stamps and I get $10.00 in free merchandise!
14. Toys R Us gift card with $10.00 from last year's holiday shopping. I wonder if it is still good?
15. 10 receipts from Wall*Mart. We keep that place in business.

My wallet is big, black, and ugly and I don't actually remember when I purchased it. I can tell you that it is OLD. Maybe I'll head on down to the Goodwill store for some purse shopping! I tag Lisa, Cari, and Kim (if you haven't already been tagged.


CDJ said...

Now that I've been tagged, do I tell you what's in my purse here? or on my blog? And by "purse", I'm sure we mean diaper bag with a wallet and gum thrown in.
Let me know. CDJ

jessy said...

Yes, in a tag game, you have to blog it on your site. Of course, you can tweek the assignment as needed.

Suz said...

Glad you escaped from the chains for a minute to discuss what's in your "purse". You need a pretty purse for Christmas!

Chaos and Grace said...

Ok, I blogged my purse - although, mine is not as orderly and numbered as yours. :)
Check it out.