Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nine Months?

I mentioned several posts ago that the master is working three jobs. Dave Ramsey says you can do anything for nine months, but tonight I'm not so sure I'm going to make it nine weeks. The warehouse (job #3) has inventory this Friday and so DH has had the opportunity to work late in to the night all week. Can't really turn it down, because we need the money, but we sure do miss him. The kids are moping around and saying, "We NEVER see Daddy any more." I'm like, "Look, he hasn't gone off to war, he just has to work a few evenings this week..." But, inwardly, I feel like whining, too. So, what do I do? I blog. I will combat my whinniness with three positive things that have happened this week.
1) Someone gave us a TON of baby food!! Did you know that baby food has gone through the roof? It's these new fangled plastic square containers. I tell you the devils in those plastic square containers. You can't get the foil off the top without using your teeth and then when the suction finally breaks, what do you get? A mouthful of pureed peas...Yuck! And you pay .67 cents for that privilege, friends. Baby food is three times what it was when K was a baby--even adjusting for inflation--somthin' ain't kosher. My miserliness couldn't take it, and I had started cooking my own dang sweet potatoes and mashing my own bananas. Last week, I even took a cup of the beef stew we had for dinner and threw it in the blender for the baby. He liked it, but what a mess to clean out of my blender! Now I will have the convenience of commercial baby food for free!! Woohoo!
2. I got to have a nice long chat on the phone with Suz. We stayed up half the night. It was so good to talk to someone my own age of the household of faith. And talk, as in real life, real time, CONVERSATION. Some things just aren't the same in cyberspace.
3. The sun came out today for the first time in a week. I went outside with the babies; they were beginning to pine away from lack of vitamin D. I painted trim for the living room, which will hopefully go up this weekend. It was a lovely day.

I feel sufficiently cheered. And since the master is not here to say nay, I believe I shall do a little snooping in blogland.


6blessings said...

I'm so glad we're out of the baby food stage. I made a lot of our own when mine were little. The best tip I learned was to make a bunch at once, then freeze it. For example, cook a bunch of carrots in the microwave, puree them, then freeze them in ice cube trays. Store the cubes in freezer bags. Then take out what you need and warm it up. This saved a lot of time and money. You may have heard that all before. If so, just disregard. I'm just reliving when my kids were little.

Congrats on getting the trim done and getting outside for some good ole sunshine!

Deb said...

It's tough not having the hubby home nights. We don't have any kids home yet and I get whiney when he isn't here too many nights (like 5 a week).
But as you mentioned you can do anything for a few months. You made me reconsider getting a second job myself. I think I may work on that. We could use the extra money right now.
Glad you had a good talk with Suz.

Maggie said...

I can imagine it is hard without him there. But, you'll get through it. Just hang in there.

Great news about the baby food. It is expensive and formula is just through the price roof!

p.s. I left a comment on my blog in response to yours, but in case you don't read it... you didn't say anything offensive. I deleted a comment on accident and couldn't remember whose it was. Now I know! Sorry about that!