Friday, March 09, 2007

The Amazing Transformation of One Miss Marina S_________

Suzi suggested that I post some progressive photos of Marina's most phenomel growth. I had considered this post before, but thought I might wait until some important marker--birthday, first meeting, adoption day--but lets do it now. You gotta strike while the iron is hot, I always say. My house is clean, the babies are well, and the laundry is done. Who knows when I'll get a better chance? The first picture is Marina a few weeks from coming home. Please do not think I am trashing her baby home. She was in a good orphanage, and I am confident in the care of the doctor there. We would love to go back to that orphanage again. I'm just telling you the facts. At her Dr. visit, she weighed in at 16 pounds. She was of average height (now that we see how tall she is, she was actually way under where she should have been) and below the 5th percentile in weight. Her doctor said she evidenced classic signs of starvation (which I thought was too harsh a word. 'Malnutrition' is what I would have said). That's why she was bald. She had not yet been fitted for her helmet. The second picture shows her just after last year's birthday in the polka-dotted dress from Nana. One year from adoption, she was in the 20% for weight and the 95% for height. The little bench she is sitting on, now comes to her knees. And the last picture is of her yesterday at Daddy's office. I can barely hold her any more. She is about to pass up her "big" brother. Still very skinny. She has a size 18 months waist and a size 4 inseam. I have a feeling her 3 year check-up will show her off the charts for height. If I could only take half of her endocrine and give it to Randy, neither one would be suffering!


Deb said...

She really has grown a lot. She's adorable.

Suz said...

Remind me again, how old was she when she came home? 14 months??