Saturday, March 24, 2007

It is that time again...

I posted late last summer about the seasonal clothes sort, but I really thought you needed a visual to truly comprehend the magnitude of this task. Gives new meaning to the term, "coming out of the closet." I am readying the children's wardrobes for spring (lasts two weeks here) and summer (lasts nine months). I was almost sickened by the number of garments we have size 6 and under and I only tackled the girls room yesterday. I could hear Matthew 6:19 buzzing in my ear all morning, and I know the time draweth nigh for a purging (aka garage sale).

It always amazes me how we manage to amass so much STUFF. Especially me--I am a certified anti-pack rat. Abashedly, I am feeling the urge to sew (those precious spring fabrics have been calling my name), and despite the obvious lack of need, I most likely will start whipping up sundresses any day now. I'm so bad. But you know, I can sew like anything. I'm not boasting. I really can. And you could say I would be neglecting my gift....

Ahhh...don't you just love justification?

I will be stepping away from this computer for a few days (except to work). It really is starting to eat into my time, and I feel like an addict. Like I can't let any one know how much time I spend blogging. I have to just say no. I'll use my wind down time to sew (he, he, more justification)...catch up on my scrapbooks...heck, I may even find time to shave my legs.

1 comment:

6blessings said...

Ugh! Once again you are ahead of me on this task. It is one I dread. I have a little motivation in the fact that our friends are having a garage sale for their China adoption and I want to help them out. Hopefully, I'll get to it soon. Now, shaving the legs, that's another story! :-)

P.S. I used to sew. I absolutely loved it, but don't have the time anymore. Sometimes I miss it. My sewing machine is probably rusted over!