Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Taking Care of Me

I did it. I told the mom her child was miserable in my home. After three days of saying, "I'm going to do it today, I'm going to tell her today." I told her yesterday. She took it much better than I thought. She said she understood and that he was the same way at home (So, he doesn't just hate me). Her grandparents are going to keep him. They don't have anything else to do but sit around and hold him. If that is the case, I don't know why she was paying me in the first place. Today is his last day, and I'm just letting him decide his own schedule--which means no schedule. Mental health is just around the corner. I think my little venture into the home child care scene was an unprecedented failure, and I will not be trying it again.
I bought clothes. For myself. I don't do that very often. I bought maternity clothes last spring. Then in September, I bought two pairs of jeans and two tops. Directly following I joined Weight Watchers and lost 20 pounds. So that purchase was a complete waist (but I'm not complaining. I LOVE the fact that those jeans are now 2 sizes too big). But last week I purchased a whole new wardrobe (for me): two pairs blue jeans, two sets lounge/exercise wear, new tennis shoes, two tops, two pairs dress shoes, and three new Sunday dresses. You can actually find dresses in the stores right now. Some years you can't. But they really have a great selection out right now. I love the cuts, too. Very feminine. Go stock up on church clothes while you can.
I went to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned. My smile gleams.
I went to a salon and paid top dollar for a beautiful color job to cover last summer's dye-in-a-bottle cofafal. Gone are the calico cat orange patches and the mousy brown stripe right down the middle. I have a new respect for hair stylists. Any one that could fix my hair is a genius in my book.
My miserly soul is reeling from all this pampering, but I feel pretty, so pretty, and gay....


Jennifer said...

all that and you got to blog about it- whoohoo! Congratulations! I am still hovering at 138 lbs... Chris said if I lose 10 more I can purchase a whole new wardrobe (he either is being sweet and encouraging or doesn't think I'll ever get back there:)) My sister Amanda is pregant again with numero dos so I have all my maternity clothes boxed and ready to leave me AND NEVER COME BACK! Amen sister!

Maggie said...

Congratulations! You deserve to treat yourself.

Esther said...

Good for you! I love this post!