Monday, June 11, 2007

Kid Swap

Everyone should have a friend like Abby. Ardyn and Abby have been best friends since, as they like to put it, "the nursery." It doesn't matter that we moved half a state away two years ago. Ardyn is Abby's "bestest" best friend. She has a school best friend and a neighbor best friend, and hopefully one day soon, she will have a church best friend, but the title Best Friend, sans adjectives, belongs to Ardyn alone. They do not see each other above twice a year now, but they just pick up the friendship right where it left off.
Last week, I sent K up to our old hometown and we brought Ardyn here. In a rare stroke of genius, I enrolled them both in theatre camp. They went as students-- not instructors. If you are intimately acquainted with either or both of these ladies, you know why it is necessary to make that stipulation. At camp, they could have all the drama they desired--elsewhere! Seriously though, camp kept them active and provided just enough structure and interaction with others to prevent them from driving each other (and everyone else in the house) crazy. Camp was held from 9:00 to 5:00, every day, with a full production on Friday evening. The play was the Lion King and the kids made their own masks, created the sets, memorized their parts (each kid playing several different roles), and mastered songs with choreography. It was a lot for two Kindergartners going on first grade, and they did an excellent job. We also squeezed in a trip to the beach, the lake, and a tea party. Abby had a wonderful week which she will relive through her artwork, imagination, and speech for many months--until the next kid swap.


6blessings said...

That's awesome to have a great best friend like that! Looks like they had a lot of fun!

Maggie said...

That's great that you're helping them stay in touch. It's so important to have long-time friends. My nephew is 27 now and he had a really close friend when he was young. After his friend moved they lost touch. My nephew still wonders what ever happened to his childhood best friend.

CDJ said...

Yay for Kidswap! Our home is richer for it...we have seashells, new earth-tone clothing, and the daily musical homage to "The Circle of Life". Hear! Hear! I love that our daughters love each other. A couple more years, and they can read one another's blogs!