Friday, June 01, 2007


Well, it took me to the fifth baby, but I've finally caught THE first step with pictures!!! Every time, when they took those first teetering wobbles, the camera was out of reach, and I've had to settle for scrapbooking pictures of their "early" steps. Randy has been standing up in the middle of the room for days with perfect balance, so I knew it was coming any moment, but unfortunately, I don't have the time to stay with him every second, my finger on the shutter. But for some reason this morning, I just sensed that this was it. He'd been standing up beside the laundry baskets and looking like he wanted to take off and go. I got the camera and sat down a little in front of him. He took the bait. And WALKED to me.

I'm so glad this happened today. I really needed a pick me up.


Tami said...

Yeah! for Randy! What a big boy!

6blessings said...

Glad you caught the first steps. That is a tricky one!

I struggle greatly with the confict you have below also. I

Glad Ian is hearing a whole new world.