Friday, January 19, 2007

This and That

I have found a few moments this morning to blog. My kids are out of school today, so I will not be making my van run. A home town hero who graduated from their tiny 1A school was killed in Iraq last week and they have closed school for the funeral. It is very sad. He was only 19. K and Ian are off with Papa on one more He-Man Hurrah before deer season closes. They can only fire black powder guns this weekend and those have too much kick for the boy's, so they will only be able to watch the carnage--if there is any. I seriously doubt it, as it is a drizzling cold rain here, and not at all conducive to black powder hunting. The girls and I stayed up late last night watching Little House on the Prairie. The girls are sleeping it off this morning. My mom got me season 4 for Christmas and I've been watching one episode every night and doing Walk Away the Pounds while I watch.
We are going to have an She-woman bonanza here. Ever since Abby heard the boys were going hunting, she has been thinking of "girly" things that we could do. Somehow she has turned those ideas into things that I have "promised" we could do, but I don't recall ever giving my word. Do your kids do that? We have to go check out girlish movies at the library. We will paint nails. We will put on "make-up." This word is whispered behind her hand as she giggles at her daddy. We took bubble baths last night. We will color My Pretty Pony and Strawberry Shortcake. Oh my, the estrogen levels could reach unprecedented highs. If you see a pink mushroom cloud on the southern horizon this afternoon, you will know that things just got WAY out of hand.
I finally got my new hire package for teaching. It is about 30 pages long, and I have to have it postmarked by tomorrow. Looks like this thing is really going to happen. I'm excited.
I have also set up shop as a home day care. I am keeping one little baby and another lady interviewed me yesterday to keep her little girl. She has a two and a half year old who has a very mild form of autism. They want to get her out of the day care scene. I would think so, she is in a class with 28 other children and ONE teacher. That is appalling. I hope she decides to place her here; I think she and Marina would be perfect together.
The master is working three jobs. He does the mail run, goes in to the church office, leaves the office at noon, goes to an electrical warehouse, rolls wire for three hours, and then goes on the afternoon mail run. Dave Ramsey says you can do anything for nine months, so we are giving it a go. We just have to get our finances in order. Adopting internationally, moving, and a natural catastrophe all in one year, really hurt us. Plus, the master is in his mid-thirties and I am closing in on thirty and we still have not started any type of retirement savings. It is time that we "grew up" financially speaking.
It looks as though our neighbors will have a house by March 24th if they really want it. The original organization that came to help them this summer is going to hire contractors to do the work. It is with government grant money, though, so our neighbors will have to cough up the money they have already been given (some $6,000)for repairs. The money is long since spent--and not on their house--so we will see if they do or not. I can't do anything more for them, but pray.
Randy went to the doctor yesterday and he is still not growing. His growth "arc" is a flat line. She is referring us to a pediatric endocrinologist in Houston. Bummer.
Everyone keep safe and warm now, ya here?


6blessings said...

Great update. We've had many of those "girl" nights/days/etc. They can really go overboard, but it is a lot of fun to spend that special time.

Glad to hear about your neighbors. Hopefully everything will work out.

Hopefully the doc can help you. Please keep us updated on the progress.

Deb said...

Hope you're enjoying your girls weekend.
I am taking Dave Ramsey's course Financial Peace at church and am really enjoying it. We learned about retirement savings last week.
I'm looking forward to the day we are done with all our adoptions so we can officially start saving for retirement; since we are both early 30 nows a great time.

Glad your neighbor is getting some help on their house.

I'll be praying for Randy.

CDJ said...

I've been away, but I read the last several blogs just now, and feel really up to date. Sorry I'm so tardy. Happy Birthday Big K!!Jessica, you continue to show yourself as a tremendously entertaining writer! I love it. We will pray for Randy.