Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Big 3-0

This is my first post as a trigenarian. My mom and dad came on Saturday and prepared a YUM-EE meal. To top off Mom's brownies, the master brought Blue Bell into my home. Sinfull stuff. And I ate WAY too much. Around our bowls that night, Abby asked, "So, mom, how old are you?"

"Until Tuesday, I'll be 29. Then I will be 30."

"Thirrrrrr-teeeee! WOW!" Coming around the table, she put her hand on my shoulder sympathetically, "You better enjoy these last few days."


CDJ said...

You ARE old...old like a dinosaur!
Call me if you have time to swing by this weekend. (we're lonely)
happy birthday!

Deb said...

I mean absolutely no offense by this so please don't take it that way...
I can't believe I'm older then you. Although it is only by a year.
Happy Birthday!!!

Allison said...

Happy Birthday!!

6blessings said...

Happy Birthday Young Friend! I even remember turning 30?

BTW, August birthdays are the best. If yours is Tuesday, it is exactly one week before mine (and several years). :-)

Tami said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sorry it's belated, but you have my best wishes anyway.
30..hmmmm...I celebrated that one several years ago. Enjoy your 30s. They're the best! ;>)